The Whole Room faq’s

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what is a ‘part’ of the room ?

A part is just that, any item within the room thats makes it whole. It could be a cushion, rug, dream sofa, artwork, furniture or paint colour. I’ll scour the internet and find your most perfect parts & pop them into your room design. You can start with a min of 3 parts such as artwork, rug & lamp or go for a whole room re-design. If an identical needs to be purchased multiple times its considered 1 part. E.g a dining chairs, matching bedsides or armchairs. A furniture layout (floorplan) or additional design zoom call hours can be purchased prior to beginning the project.

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i don’t know how many parts I need ?

I’ll have a chat to you during the design discovery call to figure out how many parts you might need to really make a change for the better in your room. The Parts of The Whole Room service is perfect for small or whole room projects, you get to decide how big or small your project will be & where you will spend your pennies.

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how will we collab aleena ?

My design studio is online, this means you can easily communicate & provide feedback to me about your product selections (aka parts of the room) and room design. from the comfort of home. You will also be able to share images, inspo, pinterest boards & anything else that pops up. I’ll be emailing you frequently throughout the design process & when you recieve your final design, you will also receive a personalised video walk through of your unique design

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how will I shop my room design ?

Once we have finalised your room design (how exciting), I will prepare your clickable shopping list so you can shop your entire room design at once.. no more weekend dash around. I hand the shopping side over to you, giving you the freedom to make your room design come to life on your own time.  Please be mindful that due to the ever-changing nature of stock levels online I recommend that you jump onto the shopping side of things sooner rather then later.

I recommend purchasing all items within 2 weeks of receiving your final room design. If that rad suede fringe cushion has gone out of stock, its over the 2 week period & you are out of revisions. Then feel welcome to purchase an additional part of the room at $59 so I can hunt you down another one.


can I do multiple rooms at once ?

Yeah, for sure. Be mindful though that tackling too many projects all at may take you back to being overwhelmed & lead you back down the path into design-xiety. I recommend starting with 2-3 rooms at any one time. Open plan rooms are fine to tackle at once but are considered 2 rooms for the purpose of keeping things simple.

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how long will my room design take ?

Once I’ve received your design questionnaire with all the bits & pieces (photos, measurements & inspo pics) you can expect your room design to land in your inbox within 4 business days. Providing me with timely feedback is also super important, I don’t want those product selections going out of stock before we wrap up the project.

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what if I don’t like my product selections ?

Deep breaths, I allow one revision per product selection ( part of the room). Feel confident with my professional know-how that if I have missed the mark the first time then we have another go. All I ask is that you elaborate on the nitty gritty bits that are not floating your boat so I can get it right next round of revisions. The more timely feedback you provide the better your room design, remember decorating was mean’t to be fun.


still got a burning question ?

Send me an email or jump onto the contact us page